The Twitter appeal process is like describing a red apple to a colorblind person who has never seen produce before
Since February 2nd, I have been writing an appeal to Twitter Support pretty much every day in the hopes of getting a human response. @718Tv was banished to the negative zone
So I returned as @stained_hanes while appealing to Twitter Support regarding the old account. I’ll spare you the breathless exposition about when tweeting anything regarding trans people - a neurotic swarm of unhappy people who see every ill of the world and anyone who disagrees with them as a series of buzzwords locked into place with circular reasoning. It also coincided with the curious orthodoxy of our time that is held together by peer pressure and compliance - parroted by academia, Hollywood and countless multinationals. So very curious.
Anyways, one month later I am responding to someone from that swam who is calling me every -ist harboring an -ism and -phobia because he disagrees with me. I assure you their bio and pfp is more or less your rounded down mental image:
While not as cut and dry as the suspension of my first account, this is a perfect example of Twitter Support being automated is and all the underwhelming troubleshooting that people need help with on the site every day is bundled together with instances like mine and held in stasis until a human being takes a look at what happened.
But before we get to that, allow me to walk you through this banal spectacle. Here is a screencap of the grovel box where you make your case in how or why your account was wrongly suspended. However, it is not until you get a human reply on Twitter via e-mail in where you can attach screencaps, like the next picture below this one
I returned to the grovel box after making my 3rd account @stained_hanes was suspended for ‘Managing multiple accounts for the purpose of targeted harassment’. Upon reaching the surface, I get this e-mail:
Finally, a break in the game of hurry-up-and-wait, for now at least.
Because ‘targeted harassment’ is what got my first account suspended - its easy to see this as incorrect math at the beginning of an equation that takes up the entire blackboard. No matter how fastidious the work after it might be, the answer will always be wrong because it was so right out the gate.
So, onto the brief and memorable life of @stained_hanes:
I tweeted this picture
With the words “Hey guys”. I blocked four accounts:
Other than following a couple of accounts, that’s all she wrote. But my name is attached to a red flag that probably says “This man is the Hitler McStalin of harassment, banish on sight” so let’s walk through what earned me that flag.
Below is the appeal I was finally able to put together and e-mail Twitter Support. It should be noted that, amidst all this, I am (still) appealing my first and second accounts respectively. Crazy, huh? I’m spinning so many plates here I’m battling DJs in my dreams.
The e-mail informing me of the suspension on my old account - @718Tv - provides the tweet that is said to have violated Twitter rules without providing the link that is a ghastly harassment boogieman that cannot even be identified or presented by Twitter Support.
If you scroll back up at that pic for a second, there is nothing to click on, no text or accompanying image. If it wasn't for this thread that detailed my suspension in real time, confirming it was in fact that very same link used to wrongly suspend me, I'd have no way of confirming this is the link used to wrongly suspend me -

Here is the link in question but I’ll save you a click.
Here are screenshots, which depict no wishing, hoping, or calling for serious harm on a person or group of people, unwanted sexual advances, using insults, profanity, or slurs with the purpose of harassing or intimidating others, encouraging or calling for others to harass an individual or group of people, or denying mass casualty events took place.
I would like to reiterate that the link does not fall under the following categories of targeted harassment - wishing, hoping, or calling for serious harm on a person or group of people, unwanted sexual advances, using insults, profanity, or slurs with the purpose of harassing or intimidating others, encouraging or calling for others to harass an individual or group of people, or denying mass casualty events took place.
Again, the WordPress is exactly what the about section says it is - links, documents and information concerning allegations of misconduct.
I would like to remind whoever is reading this that this is explicitly stated in the website's about section: "Links, documents and information concerning allegations of misconduct against academic philosophers. This is for research purposes. It is not a discussion forum." -
This explains not only in detail but within the source material itself that I was wrongly suspended on @718Tv, and is reiterated by the absence of anything violating the Twitter terms of service on either that account or @stained_hanes
Until then, I’ll keep appealing. There are some who were caught in ban waves, purges, or suspended without reason at all who got their account back. Three months, six months, a friend of a friend got his back around eight months. Some were quietly reactivated, others were given an unceremonious “oops! Our bad!” e-mail.
We’ll see.
>tfw ur shitposts become Evidence