If anyone tells you Africa's population will reach several billion, spit on them. This won't happen. Ever.
Today, the African population is roughly 1.3 billions. The estimated food production capacity of Africa is enough to feed 1.05 to 1.10 billions. The food aid coming from all over the world (from mostly honkys) to Africa is enough 210 millions so far, so good.
Each food ration given by the rich countries damages the African food production capability, because a food producer cannot compete with free shit coming to his place, or to the neighboring country he wanted to sell his stuff to, so he prefers to rush the free shit distribution truck instead of tending to his crops.
When Africans begin to starve, the (mostly) honky world helps as much as it can to save black babies from death by enabling them to survive to the next year with severe development deficiencies. Which means that the new generation will be less able to produce its own food, while still being able to consume anything sent to it and reproduce.
So as soon as the world economy will take a hit due to debts/bubbles-popping/thieves-stealing-from-thieves/meteor-strike, in a few years at most rich countries hardship will mean that food aid this year will be 0 or 50 millions, instead of the 400 millions needed for the survival of the 20th baby from the female in the refugee camp, and a widespread famine will prevent the food producers to function as efficiently as they could.
It's not certain, and it may be less severe if it happens sooner, but we may be able to see a 1 billion death famine in Africa before or around 2028. An irl example of a perfectly engineered Malthusian catastrophe
If you got this far and want to type something while you cry and shit your pants, I’ll leave this here to do the heavy lifting. Go get angry at that.