Television, Boomers, and you
As of writing this, Television has been the most powerful programming tool utilized in history. Passively receiving pre-determined content, adhering to a schedule; these turned everyone into children society, content to watch the spectacle and try to keep it up.
The family unit was slowly dismantled under the guise of freedom and independence, and no I’m not interested in your argument against this cause its wrong and you need to move on. This was an engineered push to destroy any anti-state support structures, but it takes two to tango, and the boomers were more than willing to buy into fantasies that inflated their egos. They didn't need to raise their children; that was what schools were for. They didn't need to take care of their children past 18; this is America and independence is what we worship.
I look around at the boomers and they are a sorry lot. They lived their entire lives as consumer tourists, never investing in anything, never building or growing anything of their own. if they did manage anything, it was to save up for their retirement, although let's be honest, most just cashed in on the housing bubble fueled by the federal reserve and those who gained from speculating on it.
They don't really have any reason to live, except to consume and travel. they end up wasting most of their savings and retirements constantly chasing a lifestyle they never reach they can't be young again, and the happiness that was promised to them by all the commercials just isn't there. They continue to spend more and more money to prolong their lives, which they use to just watch more TV, leaving nothing behind for their children or grandchildren.
Boomers sit in their nice houses while we scrounge with roommates, and they blame you for the destruction of this world.