Gotta find a bookie in Las Vegas who will take my bet on America 'intervening' in Ethiopia
Of all the countries in the world, Ethiopia is at the top of the list as the mother of all American interventions. Between Ethiopia, a nation of 110 million whose presence in the horn of Africa is the only thing keeping it all from being Somalia, Yemen and Biden finishing the job in Syria - get ready for more refugees than you could ever brace for. I’m no gambler, but I like those odds.
Right now the MIC propaganda machine ("Foreign Policy", "The Economist", etc), Secretary of State Antony Blinken and those in the Biden Administration's immediate circle (Susan Rice, NSA pick Jake Sullivan and several others) are pushing the idea that Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is a war criminal in the making and that the TPLF have equal moral footing in this conflict. This is not the case.
The Tigrayan People's Liberation Front, who bought you Tedros Adhanom, the WHO director who will forever be synonymous with "botched pandemic", are intentionally trying to provoke war with Eritrea and other Ethiopian provinces (for the sake of argument, picture an African balkans to visualize ethnic cleansing always being an option on the table). They've launched missiles into civilian sites and have spent months committing sporadic massacres while also using their own citizens as a meat shield.
Tigrayan leadership turned their capital city into a military target and told as many civilians as possible to take up arms. Prime Minister Ahmed told civilians to evacuate the city and stay away from soldiers so they wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. In response, Susan Rice and others started chirping about war crimes. If Ethiopia properly responds to the Tigrayan rebellion, it'll be painted as a Rwanda style massacre/siege of Sarajevo when in actuality it will be an established government trying to hold together its union.
Americans won't know the details of this conflict so they'll think Biden is stopping war crimes. In actuality he'll be aiding war criminals who have been trying to bait foreign intervention for ages, but as you know, the truth is irrelevant in the shadow of the legacy media hate machine. The past twenty years will be an enduring reminder of this.
There is already a reversal of Trump's neutering of American foreign policy under the Biden administration. His cabinet is stacked with war hawks who are quite eager to show the world that the U.S. can still exert force in 2021.
America's likely to be the warm up mission for all future endeavors such as Yemen and Syria, and taking out Ethiopia will send a warning shot to Russia, Turkey and China all in one fell swoop. Regardless of what's actually happening in Tigray, Egypt is the number one recipient of American military aid outside of NATO and Israel. Ethiopia's humiliation of them with the Nile River Damn and their pivot away from America into the Sino-Russian sphere are also a major concern.
If America can't assist a close ally with a life or death issue like the river Nile, Egypt is likely to pivot away and seek allies elsewhere. The pentagon knows a message needs to be sent and an example made without disrupting the greater American sphere of influence too much.
Ethiopia's the perfect war because it can be painted as a humanitarian effort.
And in case you haven't noticed, America is currently on fire and our leaders are looking for any means necessary to distract the public from domestic issues. What better way to do that than to make Biden, Harris and company look like heroes by stopping supposed 'war criminals'?
The flight to Las Vegas is always equal parts hooting and hollering from people wallowing in their own crapulence with their tray in the upright position. The flight back is always quiet like mass or morning prayers. I missed out on buying Bitcoin, but I’m not gonna miss out betting on America freeing the shit out of Ethiopia. I like those odds.